Nik Storonsky founded Revolut in 2015, gradually engaging consumers with the world of neobanks. Despite ups and downs throughout its...
German startup Cylib has broken ground on its first industrial-scale battery recycling plant, just months after it raised €55mn in...
After 12 years in business and several strategic pivots, British unicorn Improbable has achieved profitability for the first time. Improbable...
AI “agents” are generative AI models that can perform actions autonomously, like copying info from an email and pasting it...
When Napster emerged in the late 1990s, it made it easy for people to grab music files without compensating the...
Joseph Phillips and William Corbera, both of whom come from entrepreneurial backgrounds, have been friends for over a decade. Corbera...
With only a little over a week left till the TNW Conference in Amsterdam on June 20 and 21, we’re...
AI systems and large language models need to be trained on massive amounts of data to be accurate but they...
A growing number of businesses are embracing data models — abstract models that organize elements of data and standardize how...
Join us in returning to NYC on June 5th to collaborate with executive leaders in exploring comprehensive methods for auditing...